Drobní hlodavci
I ti nejmenší si zaslouží to nejlepší
Vyzkoušejte pečlivě namíchané krmné směsi pro hlodavce, ze kterých se Vašim mazlíčkům budou dělat boule za ušima. Mističky na krmení i napáječky jim poté můžete umýt s pomocí bezoplachové ekologické dezinfekce pro zvířata.
Ecological cleaning agent and disinfectant safe for pets perfectly cleans and disinfects (destroys viruses, bacteria and fungi) developed especially for the higher demands...
Ecological cleaning agent and disinfectant safe for pets perfectly cleans and disinfects (destroys viruses, bacteria and fungi) developed especially for the higher demands...
Ecological cleaning agent and disinfectant safe for pets perfectly cleans and disinfects (destroys viruses, bacteria and fungi) developed especially for the higher demands...
Ecological cleaning agent and disinfectant safe for pets perfectly cleans and disinfects (destroys viruses, bacteria and fungi) developed especially for the higher demands...
Ecological cleaning agent and disinfectant safe for pets perfectly cleans and disinfects (destroys viruses, bacteria and fungi) developed especially for the higher demands...